
ABC Australian Bastard Cannabis Site 4 IBL


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5 Regular Seeds

*The Pure Australian Bastard Cannabis Seeds are being released exclusively for breeders who want to create their own ABC hybrids.  They are not recommended as stand alone plants as they require a level of hybridizing to produce a quality product that also exhibits the mutant trait.


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The Site 3 Australian Bastard Cannabis IBL (Inbred Line) are pure ABC seeds that have been open pollinated in an effort to preserve the pure line.  The Site 3 is the first of 4 different pure ABC lines sourced directly from Australia.  One hundred percent of the plants grown from these seeds will exhibit the mutant traits that make ABC unique and highly desirable.  The site 3 release will be limited to 75 packs of these highly rare novelty heirlooms.

Painted Forest Farms~ “Finding the ABC was purely an accident…there were 4 grow sites each displaying slightly different characteristics…the proprietor of the ABC’s  family has been growing this variety for generations, with him growing it personally for over 30 years…I was able to secure about 100 seeds from each grow area…to begin this preservation project.”

“Most ABC plants let out a faint lemony aroma when rubbed, some display purple buds with exposure to cold. Not recommended for SOG growers. I was only able to enjoy its effects once, and it was a fairly mild sativa high, nothing incredibly potent but, pleasant.”